29 May-30 May


  • Description

    Dare to Know Theatre Invites is back bigger and better than ever. We’ve invited some of our favourite local artists, theatre makers and playwrights. This year, Cathy Crabb returns with a new play written with her daughter Hazel Green. Introducing new writing from both Waterloo Road’s Sonya Nisa and Coronation Street’s newest arrival Kimberley Hart-Simpson. Joseph Walsh introduces his new play, He’s Comin’ Home, and for the first time, we invite Oceana Cage to showcase her new play Shot. Dare to Know Theatre also introduce their new play Broken Boys and sections of their brand new community play.

    An evening of the most exciting, local new writing, brought right to your doorstep.

    Image Credit: Chloe Heywood
  • Book a performance

    Wed 29 May: 7:30pm

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    Thu 30 May: 7:30pm

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